Indonesia Expat

Permanent Stay Permit (KITAP)

KITAP (Kartu Izin Tinggal Tetap) is a permanent stay permit for foreign nationals who have held a KITAS with the same sponsor for a minimum of 5-years. The KITAP itself is valid for 5-years and does not require you to leave the country for any extensions. You’ll also need a MERP (Multiple Exit Re-entry Permit) which is valid for 2-years and needs to be renewed every 2-years, allowing you to exit and re-enter Indonesia as many times as you want. By holding a KITAP, you can get an Indonesian ID card, and a local driving license, you can also open a bank account in a local bank and apply for a local credit card. You will need a sponsor letter for the KITAP application.

Duration: 5-years
Extendable: Yes


Kindly fill your details below to apply stay permit administration for VISA and KITAS to start living in Indonesia

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